I have multiple csv file i want to merge all at once

I want to merge all file in highlited file


Use read csv and then use append csv option to add the data without headers

you can as well use merge datatable and then write the data all at once


I don’t want to put hardcode csv file name i just want to put which csv file is received first in folder


Path.GetFileName(Directory.Getfiles("Folderpath","*.csv").OrderBy(function(x) file.GetCreationTime(x))(0)) this will give first file…use this in if condition and also in append csv


Can u show me the flow


The flow is same as above screenshot no change…instead of firstfilename.csv use the above expression


Getting Error


Please tell what you tried

What activity is throwing wrror and what is yhe error



Can you please show the expression as well which you used exactly


CurrentFile.Name.Equals(Path.GetFileName(Directory.Getfiles(“Folderpath”,“*.csv”).OrderBy(function(x) file.GetCreationTime(x))(0)))


Folderpath is replaced with proper path?


Its working But first file data save two time i don’t want two time


Try eith Path.GetFileNameWithOutExtension
