I can't open upload xlsx file


Please I need some help with this http request to made upload a file in ServiceNow using API.

I was able to place the file, but it is not useful…i cant open the xlsx file

Someone can help me please?

Hi @Ana_Caroline_Sena,

Are you able to open the file manually in your local ?

Did you try giving the extension of the file name at the end of the file, yourFileName.xlsx ?

I think it should work with full file path + filename + extension.

Hope it helps!


Hi @Ana_Caroline_Sena ,
Have you checked the link yet?
You can check it for exact folder, file name and file extension

Hi Gayathri_Ramanathan,

Yes, I passed the path and file name with the extension.

I can upload the file to service now, but when I download it and open it manually I can’t open it.

Do you know what type of encryption you have to send the file?

Hi @Ana_Caroline_Sena

Could you please share any screenshot ?

Have you tried using Service Now Activities instead of API ?

Of course,

I’m converting in ToBase64

And to use activicties I can’t, I have use only API.

Hi @Ana_Caroline_Sena

Whats the status code you receive after the API is executed ?

Have you tried hitting the API from postman ?

Hi, @Gayathri_Ramanathan
I received the status 201.

When I tested it on Postman, the test was successful.
Can you tell me where I put these image parameters in the UiPath in the activitie HTTP Request?


Hi @Ana_Caroline_Sena,

Could you please share the API documentation and the end point details that you are trying to hit ?