I can't click the "READ ONLY" button

I’m not able to click the “READ ONLY” button, I’ve tried using click together with F4, highlight, click image, send hotkey with enter, but none of these options is working

Hello @pauloengenharia5

Is it mandatory for you to use a ui based automation instead of the default excel activities?? If yes, can you try recording yhat click activity…as per my understanding yhe click should be under the scope of that window.


I tried to use the record to record but it still didn’t work


can you please share the selector of that button. Also can you put that dialogue box in an application scope and inside that the click activity.


You have to put the click in Excel Application Scope
Then have to click on “Read Only” button using “click” activity and then try to use the correct selector

Hey @pauloengenharia5,

You have the option to pass the password directly to the activity for read and write both, so why are you doing the UiAutomation.



Can you plz check the attribute class is always static?


sorry I’m new to uipath, could you explain to me how I do this?

Hello @pauloengenharia5 - is it possible to share a sample excel

  • Password - The password required for opening the Excel workbook, if the file is password-protected.


@pauloengenharia5 - If you are trying to unprotect excel workbook then please refer to the below link

If possible share a sample input excel that you have

Why are you opening Excel and clicking around in it? That’s usually not how you use Excel files in an automation. There are Excel activities for directly reading what’s in the file. And those activities have the capability of handling the password for you.

can you please explain the usecase that you are trying to automate?

Based on that we can confirm whether its doable with excel package in Uipath, instead of ui based autoamtion.


Thanks for the help friend, I need to download excel from sharepoint there I need to extract the data from one of the columns, but when I open excel the READ ONLY button appears, if you have another way to do this please help me

Thanks for the help friend,
yes i am opening excel and clicking on it
I need to download excel from sharepoint there I need to extract the data from one of the columns, but when I open excel the READ ONLY button appears, if you have another way to do this please help me

That’s not how you do Excel automation.

Once you download the excel file, you can use the excel activities.

1)Use Use Excel activity. (you can enter the password here)
2)Use Read Range activity


To understand how UiPath working with excel, shared a video below.

in this case I don’t need to put the password, I just need to click on READ ONLY, but it’s not working

this is my workflow

Test.xaml (8.8 KB)