I can not use secure string for password on Send SMTP Mail Message activity

I use to Send SMTP Mail Message activity but i can not use secure string for passsword.
Password is credential information so we have to be able to use secure string.

I saw this topic but it does not seems to unsolve.

What solution i can take?

Hi @tomo007,

Use this line of code in the password field: New System.Net.NetworkCredential(String.Empty, YourPassword).Password.


Thanks you!
I tried it. However does it need to enter plain password?

I’d like to avoid to enter plain password on activity.


Please use below code to use secure string as password :

new System.Net.NetworkCredential(string.Empty, SecureString).Password

Hope it will work for you!!

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Thanks you for your information! I can send a mail with plain password.

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Yes, in place of above statement you can use password as String in plain text if you want!!
:grinning: :grinning:

Thanks & Regards,

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