How to write regex expression

I have text of the form text…moretext…moretext…moretext…

Basically, i have sentences that are seperated by three dots. How i can write a regex expression for extracting just the text and not the dots in an ienumerable?

@CtrlAltGiri Please check below regex expression.


To match both upper and lower case letters use pattern as “[A-z]+”
To match only lower case letters use pattern as “[a-z]+”
To match only upper case letters use pattern as “[A-Z]+”

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use this in Matches activity you will get the string array as out put (11.3 KB)

This is perfect and answers my question, I was thinking of a different approach.

  1. ...(.+) - gives all words with …word form
  2. (.+)... - gives all words with word… form (the first one)
  3. The one of symbol is

Why can’t i do, [(...(.+)) ((.+)...)] ?