How to write data in excel file without overwriting

well you already have value in that excel… @zeshanm9
thats why
Are you trying to enter newly to a sheet with no data and with only the columnname
to a excel with column having columnname and already having data.

if its first one no problem as we wont face any overwriting as it is a new one…or if its second then why we want to enter into the same column rather we can choose “B”+Counter.Tostring that would enter in B column and wont rewrite…

Cheers @zeshanm9

Yes i want to a excel with column having columnname and already having data.
I want the data like this .qqqqq
Process will run for the first time and if request not found then it will add the number to the excel file as (100-000024)
Then it will go for the second request and if request not found then add to the excel file as (100-000025) and so on .

Buddy @zeshanm9
From where you get these numbers 100-000024, 100-000025

i am getting these numbers from a Queue

from (SearchRequestNumber)

then this would work
it wont replace, if you have a fresh excel with columnname alone as Queuenumber
Cheers @zeshanm9

@Palaniyappan Still replacing
Can you please check this maybe i am missing (17.9 KB)

fine @zeshanm9
Unless we come to know what is happening before this if condition it will be tough to get this done buddy…would like to know how you are getting from queues


yes its just a simple value bro. for example we will check the value named as SearchRequestNumber in the website. so if the value is present in the website then don’t add to excel file. But if not present in the website then add to the excel file.
We are adding to excel file because there is other process which will read from this excel file later and will do some process.
so thats the whole idea.
I just need a simple process to add random number for example “123” to the 2nd row then if runs again add “456” to the third row and then “789” to the fourth row and so on without replacing the old data in the file.

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then use the write cell within the sequence and place the assign with counter next to get transaction item, with which you are getting the queue item…buddy
Cheers @zeshanm9

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