How to validate username and password field when creating login page

Hi all,

I’m trying to create a simple login page using UiPath Apps which includes username, password and a login button. I want to validate username and password when clicking on login button. Suppose if the field contains null value then I want to display a error. if both the fields has a value then I want to display success message. Can anyone suggest me how to do this?

in apps input text values has have mandatory

make reuired field as true

Hi @Nisha_K21
In order to validate fields first click on the username field and go to create rule there you can use set value option
Item to set : Username variable
value : (pagename).username.value
Do the same thing for password as well.

Finally in the login button create a rule to check username and password contains null or not
If : Username is vbNullString or Password is vbNullString
Then: Show Error Message
Else : Show Success message

Hope this will solve your question


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Thanks @Manisha_Ravindra

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