Hello, if anyone could kindly assist.
I’ve been attempting to use two filters in the expression field, in order to find unanswered emails from a certain time period that also have a specific word (‘invoice’) in the subject, without having to iterate through messages received using only one search method. After scouring this forum and the learning resources that users with similar queries were provided with, I am still unable to process my expression.
My best attempts so far as follows are:
A) “UNANSWERED SINCE " + DateTime.Today.AddDays(-30).ToString(“dd-MMM-yyyy”) + " AND SUBJECT invoice”
B) “UNANSWERED SINCE " + DateTime.Today.AddDays(-30).ToString(“dd-MMM-yyyy”) + " AND” + " SUBJECT ““invoice””"
Unfortunately I still get the error: Get IMAP Mail Messages: The IMAP server replied to the ‘SEARCH’ command with a ‘BAD’ response: Could not parse command
Is it possible to combine search fields or is it only possible to use one?
Thank you in advance