How to use for each row in Linq query to compare two tables

I have two tables named input1 and input2 with seven columns.
I need to compare each column for all the rows in these tables and update the status as Match and Not match in a Status table.

For this I want to use for each activity of linq query.
Your quick help is appreciated.

Input1- datatable1 read from excel sheet
Input2-datatable2 read from excel sheet
Status table- output table with seven columns

Hi @Chaitanya_Suvera

Try this:

Assign activity:
statusTable = (From row1 In datatable1.AsEnumerable()
              Join row2 In datatable2.AsEnumerable()
              On row1.ItemArray.SequenceEqual(row2.ItemArray)
              Select statusRow = New Object() {
                  If(row1.Equals(row2), "Match", "Not Match")

Hope it helps!!

Lets assume the status Table has all columns from dt1 + Status

Prepare Status Table

Assign Activity:
dtStatus = dt1.Clone

Add DataColumn | Name: Status | DataType: String

Assign Activity
dtStatus =

(From d In dt1.AsEnumerable()
Let chk = dt2.AsEnumerable.Any(Function (d2) d2.ItemArray.SequenceEqual(d.ItemArray))
Let sts = If(chk, "Matched", "Not Matched")
Let ra = d.ItemArray.Append(sts).ToArray"Not Match")
Select r = dtStatus.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable()

We gave a LINQ for a Left Join Check

When a full Join Check is needed, then let us know this input2.asenumerbale.where(function(y) filterdt.clone.loaddatarow({x(0),y(0),if(x(0).tostring.equals(y(0).tostring),“Matched”,“NotMatched”},false))).copytodatatable