How to update specific row value based on condition


Scenario is if total hours is greater than 40 i have to update all “OT” columns dynamically w.r.t Total hours column …

Any suggestions

Thanks in advance

@rsr.chandu ,

Can you be more specific with your question?
If Total hours is > 40, then what values you need to update and under which columns you need to update?


If it is > 40, i need to update Mon OT, Tue OT columns etc…
The values are eg:
Mon OT= Moncol value-total hrs
like wise

HI @rsr.chandu

Have a look on the XAML file

Subtraction → CInt(row(“Mon”).ToString)-CInt(row(“Total”).ToString)

UpdateOT.xaml (9.4 KB)



  1. Use Read range and read the Input Data and store it in dt_Input.
    Use assign and do dt_Output = dt_Input.Clone(). Use for each to loop through the Datatable,
  2. Inside for each use If Condition [Cint(row(“Total hours”).ToString) > 40]
  3. In then Part you can use create a data row variable and add the values for required columns by computing the difference between required 2 columns & then use add Data row to add the updated data to add to your Output Dt.
  4. In Else Part add the Row to Output Dt without any changes.


I am getting like this

Hi @rsr.chandu

not String.IsNullOrEmpty(row("Mon").ToString)

Updated XAML

UpdateOT.xaml (14.0 KB)



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I am getting like this

HI @rsr.chandu

Output is correct or do you facing any error

Subtraction → CInt(row(“Total”).ToString)-CInt(row(“Mon”).ToString)


I need to do subtraction if total is greater than 40
bot is doing for all values

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