Using regular expression I want to take this string
1223334 22.10.2024
I want to take “1223334 22.10.2024” this value between this two strings.
Using regular expression I want to take this string
1223334 22.10.2024
I want to take “1223334 22.10.2024” this value between this two strings.
Actually this string is situated in big paragraph so you need to put logic that string between this two words “ABCD” and “EFGH/IJKL”. I hope you understand
Please refer the below thread.
Using which activity we will get this string…we have to use marches activity?
1223334 22.10.2024
const string pattern = @"(?<=ABCD\n).*(?=EFGH/IJKL)";
var match = Regex.Match(text, pattern);
return match.Success ? match.Groups[0].Value : "String not found";
@Gopi_Krishna1 this code solve your issue, pls test with multiple data
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