How to sum all values in a column of data Table and how to change String to Boolean

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How to sum all values in a column of data Table and how to change String to Boolean?

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Trying this


Hi @Hnin_Phyu

How about this expression?

(From d in dtData.AsEnumerable Where Not (isNothing(d("Column Name")) OrElse String.IsNullorEmpty(d("Column Name").toString.Trim)) Select v = CDbl(d("Column Name").toString.Trim)).Sum(Function (x) x)


DataTable.Compute(… will return a result of DataType: Object
One of several object is to convert it into a Double as you had done

The Compute method is short and powerfull, but also very sensitive, when the values are not within the expectations (blanks, other formarts)

So a more control we can achieve e.g. with LINQ

Convert.ToBoolean, CX methods. But more important which String value should be converted?