How to split text and add sequence no in another column in Datatable in Linq Query? Please Help

Please help me to solve this.
I need to split text by 4 characters in col 2 and add sequence nos in col 3 in Datatable.

What I have:

What I need:
In a New Datatable:

Since dealing with datatable with large data, I am trying in LinQ Query instead of For Each loop:

Please help me

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@GuhanTM Can you check this workflow :
JoinDatatables.xaml (12.6 KB) (Don’t Mind the File Name) :sweat_smile:

The Output is Expected. But it does make use of 1 For Each Row. But check if you find this useful. I’ll also check to see if it can be implemented in a Single Query and try to implement it, but mostly we’ll need to use a For Each.

If it is acceptable. Check for Different Data and provide a Feedback if have found any errors.

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If a certain complexity is allowed then it can be done with the help of cartesian product and tuple within a single LINQ:

(From d In dtData.AsEnumerable
Let seg = Enumerable.Range(0,CInt(Math.Ceiling(d(1).ToString.Length)/4)).toArray
From t In seg.Select(Function (x) Tuple.Create(x, New String(d(1).ToString.Skip(x*4).Take(4).toArray))).toArray
Let ra = New Object(){d(0),t.Item2, t.Item1+1}
Select dtResult.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable

is done on a cloned / prepared DataTable

and gives following output:

Find demo XAML here:
CreateColValSplits_AddSplitCountInfo.xaml (7.4 KB)


@supermanPunch, Thanks for your reply.
It is not capturing the last split for the below input. How to rectify it? Please help me


it is not taking the last one as CINT will take the lowest Int from the division double does mean:
2,5 to int = 2

Have a look to my approach provided above it is handled with the Math Ceiling statement

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@GuhanTM Yes. :sweat_smile: As @ppr mentioned I need to make some minor changes in the tempArray assignment. If you still want to use the Solution that I have provided, you can replace the value provided for tempArray with the below :

Enumerable.Range(0,Cint(Math.Ceiling(row(“Col 2”).ToString.Length/4))).Select(Function(x)String.Join(“”,row(“Col 2”).ToString.Skip(x*4).Take(4).ToArray)).ToArray

That should be able to Solve it. But again test it with all possible data.

@GuhanTM Also what would you want to do if the Column Value is Empty like in the below Screenshot :

The FF row has no Col 2 value.

@supermanPunch, Empty values will be removed before applying the sequence No, hence no blanks will be available in Col 2.

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@ppr, Thanks for your reply. It is not capturing the last split for the Col 2 value “Sample Tex”. Kindly help me.

@GuhanTM What is the Output you get when you use it ?
I have updated my Previous Workflow to use only a Single Linq Query for the operation. Check if it meets your requirements :

JoinDatatables.xaml (16.5 KB)

when i am running my xaml with input:

result is:

So I can’t identify a missing split. On what are you refering?

@ppr Use Col 2 text as “Sample Tex”, and by using, last split of ‘ex’ is not get captured in the output.

show input table

@ppr, Please find the input Datatable

@GuhanTM Can you check if that data works with the workflow I have provided :sweat_smile: It worked for me. Can you confirm in your case as well ?

it looks like a inner Bug in LINQ execution, as isolated statements are working correctly. go for this workaraound:

(From d In dtData.AsEnumerable
Let seg = Enumerable.Range(0,(d(1).ToString.Length\4)+1).toArray
From t In seg.Select(Function (x) Tuple.Create(x, New String(d(1).ToString.Skip(x*4).Take(4).toArray))).toArray
Let ra = New Object(){d(0),t.Item2, t.Item1+1}
Select dtResult.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable


(From d In dtData.AsEnumerable
From s In Enumerable.Range(0,CInt(Math.Ceiling(d(1).ToString.Length / 4))).toArray
Let t = New String(d(1).toString.Skip(s*4).Take(4).toArray)
Let ra = New Object(){d(0), t, s+1}
Select dtResult.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable

doesn’t confuse from following from

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@ppr Both Linq queries seems to be same. Have you posted the uploaded linq query

had a paste issue. Just refer to the edited post: e.g the length \ 4)+1 part is reworked

@supermanPunch I checked with sample data and it worked well. Thanks a lot for the code.

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@ppr if we use exactly multiples of 4-character length text ex: (Samp, SampText,…) then one more additional row got inserted in the output. Also the sequence number is starting with 0 instead of 1.

Input DT
Col1 Col2
AA 1234
EE 12345678

Output DT
Col1 Col2 Col3
AA 1234 0
AA          1

BB 1234 0
BB 5678 1
BB          2

But the Required Output is:
Col1 Col2 Col3
AA 1234 1

BB 1234 1
BB 5678 2

Please help me