How to Separate the Unique and Multiple Line in the Column2 Using LINQ


Need to separate the Input file In to two different sheets using LINQ, Based on Column 1 and Column 2

Sample Input and Output Structure

Input.xlsx (10.8 KB)



Can you try the following sample?

dtUnique = dt.AsEnumerable.GroupBy(Function(r) r("Column 1").ToString).Where(Function(g) g.GroupBy(Function(r) r("Column 2")).Count=1).SelectMany(Function(g) g).CopyToDataTable

dtMultiple = dt.AsEnumerable.GroupBy(Function(r) r("Column 1").ToString).Where(Function(g) g.GroupBy(Function(r) r("Column 2")).Count>1).SelectMany(Function(g) g).CopyToDataTable (10.6 KB)


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Thanks for the Solution @Yoichi

And i have one more doubt

Need to separate the Input Based on different sheets. Based on Column 1 and Type

Input and Output

Input.xlsx (11.4 KB)


How about the following?

dict = dt.AsEnumerable.GroupBy(Function(r) r("Column 1").ToString).Select(Function(g) Tuple.Create(String.Join("",g.Select(Function(r) r("Type").ToString).OrderBy(Function(s) s).Distinct),g)).GroupBy(Function(t) t.item1).ToDictionary(Function(g) g.Key,Function(g) g.SelectMany(Function(g2) g2.item2.Select(Function(r) r)).CopyToDatatable) (20.9 KB)


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Can you please explain this expression? @Yoichi

Can you please explain this expression?

dt.AsEnumerable.GroupBy(Function(r) r("Column 1").ToString)

The above create IEnumerable<IGrouping> grouping by value of Column1

.Select(Function(g) Tuple.Create(String.Join("",g.Select(Function(r) r("Type").ToString).OrderBy(Function(s) s).Distinct),g))

In each group, create tuple which has value of Type column which is sort ascending and distinct such as “A” ,“AB” etc. and IEnumerable<IGrouping>

.GroupBy(Function(t) t.item1)

Grouping by modified value of Type.

Function(g) g.Key,
Function(g) g.SelectMany(Function(g2) g2.item2.Select(Function(r) r)).CopyToDatatable)

Finally, create dictionary which key is modified value of Type (such as “A”,“AB”) and value is DataTable converted from IEnumerable<IGrouping>

The above can handle any string such as “C” or “D” in Type column.


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