How to send Random number of files using SMTP mail message activity

Hey Friends, I want to send mail with multiple attachment using SMTP, where i download multiple attachment and there will be random number of files each time.
Please help me with this.

Thanks in advance.


attachmentFilePathsList (List of String)

Assign activity: attachmentFilePathsList = Directory.GetFiles("C:\Your\Download\Path")

Send SMTP Mail Message activity:
From: “
To: “
Subject: “Multiple Attachments”
Body: “Please find the attachments below.”
Attachments: attachmentFilePathsList

Catch (Exception):
// Handle any exceptions that may occur during the email sending process
Log Message activity: "Error sending email: " + Exception.Message


Get the list of files to an array and pass the array in AttachmentsCollection



Create a variable of type Array of String as below.

You can replace png according to your file type.

Pass Array variable to SMTP as below

Hope it helps.


HEY @aslam_ali1
You can give the folder path and it will send all the files that are present in that folder.
Like the below screenshot , it will send all the files which are present inside the Test folder

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