How to select specific columns and last row only?

I read the datatable from table (DT)

I want write output in newDT = Column F until Column AE in last row in file excel.

I can find last row and create variable last row= ind

Now I use read cell for read separate column as below. , But I want solution that less steps (Now use read cell 25 round for read column until column AE)


Please guide me about it.

Hi @fairymemay

You can use read row activity,it will store all column values of a particular row.(output is datarow - dtRow variable)

After that use dtRow(1).tostring will give 2nd column value of that row.

@prasath_S Please explain me as below.
it will store all column values of a particular row.(output is datarow - dtRow variable)

What use activity?

Read row activity

If you give A50 it will store all the column values of 50th row starting from 1st column

Give startingCell as “A”+ind.tostring

And in result give dtRow

dtRow variable type is System.Data.Datarow

@prasath_S It show error.

Okay sorry I forgot that,

dtRow datatype is system.collections.generic.ienumerable(of object)

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