First time poster, I have an excel table with multiple rows of names (lets say A, B, C) id like to select all files in a different folder with a name (from row 1 for example) A and then repeat with the name B, and then C, anybody who could help me out?
Hi, thanks for the quick reply, i think i didnt express myself clearly, the excel table holds only the names, i need to select all files in a different folder, with the name provided from the excel table.
If you need, for example, to send out those files, you could also make for each row loop,
use Send Email and in the Attachments use: String.Format(“C:\yourdirectory\filefolder{0}.*”,CurrentRow.ByIndex(CollumIndex) Just accomodate the * wildcard in your file name in case file contains more than just the name from your collumn and unless the files are of same type, like pdf etc. use a wild card for extension.
I am using such case so hopefully it could work on your side.
Hi, thanks for the info! I need to select files with the same name as specified in the excel, and then drag and drop them into an application window, then repeat with the next row.