How to saperate json

as mentioned mention queries giving about not for mentioned testexc key but provideing previous testexckey block means iether previous or rest of the block

jArr2 = JArray.FromObject(jArr.Where(Function(x)x(“testExecKey”).toString.Equals(“TEST81313-1322”)))

above one retrieving but writing 3 times or more than 3 times why?
i need only one time

worked. just update me how can i remove [ ] from only start and end not in between ones

@Mathkar_kunal ,

Not so sure why it is required it in that manner, but when using Write Text file, use the below Expression for the text :


Do note the above may not conform to a Valid Json.

sure i will try this.
i got expected result i need to do some more formatting on data which i got by using function which you have provided.can you look at below link which i have created.
help me if possible

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