Hi Team,
I have one SQL file and inside the file multiple queries are present. i want to run .sql file queries one by one.
Please help me how to run .sql file?
Hi Team,
I have one SQL file and inside the file multiple queries are present. i want to run .sql file queries one by one.
Please help me how to run .sql file?
Use the below package for the DB activities
*Read the content of your .sql file into a UiPath string variable using the ‘Read Text File’ activity.
method in UiPath to split the content based on the query delimiter (e.g., ;
In UiPath, you can use the “Execute Query” activity to run SQL queries from a .sql file.
For this you need to install UiPath.Database.Activities from packages
|-- Connect (establish database connection)
|-- Read Text File (File: YourSQLFile.sql)
| |-- Output: sqlFileContent
|-- Assign (queriesArray = sqlFileContent.Split(";"c))
|-- For Each (item in queriesArray)
| |-- Execute Query (Connection: yourDatabaseConnection, SQL: item)
you can follow below steps:
2.Split Queries:
Split the content of the file into individual queries.
queriesArray = sqlFileContent.Split({“;”}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
3.Database Connection:
Establish a database connection using the “Connect” activity
4.Use a “For Each” activity to iterate through the array of queries.
For Each query In queriesArray
Execute Non Query (using query as SQL command)
Catch (Exception)
Log or handle the exception
End Try
5.Disconnect Database