Hi All
How can I remove the Comma in middle name from excel
Hi All
How can I remove the Comma in middle name from excel
Do you mean to replace all the commas in the line description column ?
HI @Sam_H
Try with this expression
(From d In DtBuild.AsEnumerable()
Let ra = d.ItemArray.Select(Function (x) x.toString.Replace(",","")).toArray
Select rc = DtOut.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable
Another Method @Sam_H
You can also try with Find/Replace Value
Check out this XAML file
Find And Replace.xaml (11.1 KB)
Yes i have to remove or replace it commas
@Sam_H ,
Try this
In for each row datatable loop
Currentrow("Invoice/CM #")=Currentrow("Invoice/CM #").ToString.Replace(",","").Trim
Hi @Sam_H
Use for each row datatable activity
Replace “ColumnName” with the column where you want to replace comma.
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