How to remove comma atfer last line in json file


I am writing json in text file and it is ending with comma.
i ned to remove that lsat comma, how can i reov ethat
check below image.

i need like below

i have lst row number in variable which i ma fatching using System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(“Error - Formatted\P003324-384_3.json”).Length


Read the JSON Text from the File:

Use the “Read Text File” activity to read the contents of the JSON text file into a string variable.

// Assuming the JSON text is stored in a variable called jsonText
if (jsonText.EndsWith(“,”))
jsonText = jsonText.Substring(0, jsonText.Length - 1);

Use write Text file


Read Text File (File: “path/to/your/file.json”)
Output: jsonString

To: jsonString
Value: If jsonString.EndsWith(“,”), jsonString.Substring(0, jsonString.Length - 1), jsonString

Write Text File (File: “path/to/your/file.json”, Text: jsonString)


checked but not worked

please check this error


Try the below syntax

If (JsonString.EndsWith(","), JsonString.Substring(0, JsonString.Length - 1), jsonString)
