How to put end of length to another text

you are trying to find S10589-AAB from the first line and S10589-AAB-AAC 01 Jun 2018to 30 Jun 2018 other lines, right?

@bagishojha I am trying to find NO S10589-AAB from line 2 to Total for S10589-AAB 2,032425345.27 line 14

you have need only two lines

@bagishojha i need lines from line 2 to line 14 which is 12 lines

firstly find starting index and end index
start index,end index-start index

var1= pdfstring.tostring.indexof(“G-CLOUD NO S10589-AAB”)
var2=pdfstring.tostring.indexof(“Total for S10589-AAB 2,032425345.27 line 14”)
values= pdfstring.tostring.subsring(var1,var2-var1)
now you can see you have only in string middle characters between line 2 to 14

thanks & regards

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Hey thanks it works exactly how i want it to be.

your most wlcm