I have a table like this in Excel :
What I need to do is if the row data ends with time I need to move that row into the next column
Required output :
I have a table like this in Excel :
What I need to do is if the row data ends with time I need to move that row into the next column
Required output :
Hi @Ishan_Shelke ,
Follow below steps:
row("Your Second Column Name") = row("Message").ToString
Hope this might help you
Try as below
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(currentrow(0).ToString,"\d{2}:\d{2} [A-Z]{2}")
currentrow(1) = currentrow(0).ToString
Hope this helps
build a datatable where one colmn is for message another for time.
for each row first_dt MatchFound go and add datarow to outputDt-{Currentrow(0).tostring,Currentrow(1).tostring.trim}
else add it to {Currentrow(0).tostring,“”}