I am trying to post Image files(Not file paths) to an application which is running on another System
through Http request activity. I have connected to the remote Api through http GET method sucessfully
now I want to post Files, and stucked!!
How to get FIles from local system and Post it through Http Post method!!
any Help will be appreciated
I have developed a below custom activity for your situation. I have done the test locally. But I am not feel comfortable. Can you provide some public http to test the upload. So I did not update the documentation in the package thread.Can you please test it and give me your feedback.
if once we will test we can add!! keep Rocking Dear
but this Question is still unanswered, someone must have used Http POST/PUT Request with Attachment, would you give idea to whom I should approach for Getting Example OF same!!
i’m not getting error, I only want to send files by Uipath HTTP Post request and receive it on another API either on same machine or another machine,
As there is Attachment option in UIPATh Http Post Request, i’m Sending file by Attachment, i’m not getting any exception, but my question is how to get that file on another API, in which variable the file has Stored
For posting Files as multipart/form-data, you can use HTTP Request and select Method POST (or PUT depending on your need) add your files in the Attachments area. In the Value field you should add the full file name.
I have did the same as you have suggested, but my question is Attachment files will send through which variable?
it will be great help if you will provide a working sample!
In order to understand your use case, could you please use Postman or another similar tool for testing APIs and share the configuration of the request that you want to send? How does your API look like?