How to pass the multi parameeters for below python code

I want to pass From_Email, PWD & To_Email dynamically.

I tried something like below, but it is not working.

Thanks in advance

Hi @Pujari_Manjunatha

You are using invoke python method,
you need to create a method which takes 3 parameters and then it’ll work as you want it to.
for eg:
in your python script you need,

def send_message(fromMail,Pwd,ToEmail):
    Your code starts here.

You have called the method correctly but haven’t defined it correctly in the script file.


Happy Automation! :smiley:


It’s not happening anything, it just freezes.

The Code which I am using.

import ssl
import smtplib
from email.message import EmailMessage

def send_message(fromMail, Pwd, ToEmail):
    email_sender = fromMail
    email_password = Pwd
    email_receiver = ToEmail

    subject = "Please Subscribe to the channel"
    body = """When you watch the video, please hit the subscribe button."""

    em = EmailMessage()
    em["From"] = email_sender
    em["To"] = email_receiver
    em["Subject"] = subject

    context = ssl.create_default_context()
    with smtplib.SMTP_SSL("", 465, context=context) as smtp:
        smtp.login(email_sender, email_password)

send_message(fromMail, Pwd, ToEmail)

Below is the code
Main.xaml (9.3 KB)

@Yoichi @Gokul001 @Sudharsan_Ka @supermanPunch @Anil_G


Can you please open event logs and check if there is some error that comes over there


Something I found.

System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: No such host is known. (


It seems you have some network issues while accessing hostname in your system(s).

Try the below alternative solution:

In the file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts add the following line:

This change is hardcoding and overwriting your DNS to a hardcoded value that could change. It is a terrible way to manage DNS but is warranted as a workaround in this scenario.


Is it at same time you invoked the code?


Yes i have opened current one only.


Looks like your robot is not communicating …


Even though it is not working.


You need to remove the # to uncomment it.