How To Pass Array Into Orchestrator Queue Using "Add Queue Item"?

How to pass an Array / List into Orchestrator Queue using "Add Queue Item"?

Note: It is not possible to add an array directly as a queue item. However, it is possible to serialize it to a JSON string and then add the json string as queue item. While retrieving queue item, the json can be deserialized to get the actual array.

Check the below screenshot and use the same method to pass an array to queue.

1 - Image_2019-07-10_10-35-21.png

  • To fetch the value use Get Transaction Item. Check the below screenshots for more idea

2 - Image_2019-07-10_10-39-37.png

3 - Image_2019-07-10_10-40-20.png

The above line will give you the serialized json string. Deserilize it to get the actual array.

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The Screenshots are not visible… Can you please upload the screenshot again and update us?

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Hello Sathish,

Thank you for your feedback! We haven’t found any issues with the screenshots embeded in this particular forum version of the article, however we have made some changes within the internal version. Please also try the link below and let us know if you experience further issues.

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