How to move below cell row value to above cell in particular column excel

Hi Team,

I missed one thing this task, additional column also there, Please help me anyone for this

Input excel:

Expected output:

Hi @supermanPunch and Team,

Still im facing issue please anyone help me on this.

Raja G

Hi @Raja.G ,

Check the below workflow : (10.3 KB)

We are Updating the columns AA and FF for the row which contains BB column value. A For Each Row Activity should be good enough for this purpose. For other conditions on how to reflect the exact output, we perform filter for these conditions to remove the unwanted rows.

Let us know if this doesn’t help.

Hi @supermanPunch ,

Working fine , but already filled row missed in output sheet



Raja G

Hi @supermanPunch ,

I fixed above one , I removed filter than working fine.

Thanks @supermanPunch

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