How to mention someone in html content

Hi all
I am using “Send Outlook Mail Message” activity and create the content by html.
I am trying to mention someone in my email content. (Someone metioned will have the @ symbol above the time and can be filter by “Mentioned” when they get the email)
I have checked some method on stackoverflow(add id start with OWAAM), however, it does not work

Is there any method that I can mentioned someone?

Hi @yctsaiiii ,

Interesting thing !. I did check on the stackoverflow post mentioned and I was able to get it to work with my email ID as the mention to myself.

I did not stick to the Suffix as Z rather I just only used the Guid String after the OWAAM. It seemed to work for me. Maybe you could also try the same.
Assigning a value to ID

id = Guid.NewGuid.ToString("N")

The HTML part to be in Body of Email :

"<a id=OWAAM"+id+" href=""mailto:-Email_ID-""><span style='font-family:""Calibri"",sans-serif;text-decoration:none'>@-Name-</span></a>"

You would have to replace -Email_ID- with the actual email ID whom you’re referring to and -Name- with the possible name from the email ID.

Let us know if you have already tried this and tell us what exactly was not working with Snippets/Screenshots.

Workflow :

Output :

Hi @supermanPunch
The method that the stackoverflow post provides can make a name attached with a link. However, for a fully functional mention, there is an @ on the right side in the inbox and the mail can be filtered by “Mentioned Mail”, which is not the case for the stackoverflow solution.