How to interchange the columns in excel?

Hi All,

I want to interchange the column in an excel.

for example: if there are 4 columns in an excel (Column1, column2,Column3,column4)

then the output should be: (Column4, column2,Column3,column1)

Please do needful to resolve this.

@gokul @Gokul001

dtNew =

dtData.DefaultView.ToTable(false, new String(){"Column4", "column2","Column3","column1"})
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dt.AsDataView().ToTable(False,“Column4”, “column2”,“Column3”,“column1”)

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But I have to interchange the column A with Column BA, so the total column would be more than 60, how can we achieve??

Need to move the column “bill_identifier” from column “BK” to column “A”

can you explain in detail…

I want to move or replace the column A, with the column “BK”

First image is the input and second image the output

The column BK should move to column A

wa not mentioned on top when case was described

Also have a look at the SetOrdinal Method of a datrow

Sorry for that , please consider the images

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