How to install uipath 2018.2.3? from where can I download it?

I want to install UiPath 2018.2.3 on my machine. Could you explain the process to download and install? will 2.3 version supports uipath ?

Hi @mooogas,
Unfortunate this version of Studio is no longer available for download due to a known issue.

Hi Pablito, is it because this one is too old version?

Hi @jingwang0222,
Yes you are right. But sometimes it happens that project which were made on very old version are not working properly in the newest version. Then you just simply need old version to check it, rebuild it etc. But regarding mentioned version there was a very important bug found and this version is not available at all.

Hi Pablito, thanks! I have changed the strategy, not using the old version at all.
Just curious, what that bug is? makes the whole version not available at all?

From my information it was a security bug. It was so important that mentioned versions are not available anymore.

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