Elasticsearch configuration post 7.16.3 version with ZIP installer.
Issue Description: After 7.16.2, ElasticSearch no longer releases Windows MSI installer packages for Elasticsearch. To install Elasticsearch on Windows, use the .zip archive package instead.
Steps to install:
- Download the .zip archive for Elasticsearchfrom: https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/
- Unzip it. This will create a version specific folder such as elasticsearch-8.9.0, which we will refer to as %ES_HOME%. In a terminal window, cd to the %ES_HOME% directory, for instance:
- cd C:\elasticsearch-8.9.0
- Run the following command to start Elasticsearch from the command line:
- .\bin\elasticsearch.bat
- After running the command, you will find a screen as below providing the password to login: (Username = "elastic). It is a super default user:
- Post this, try accessing - http://localhost:9200
- Enter the username (elastic) and password fetched from the CMD below:
- The Following screen should appear: