Hi guys, can you help me. i use (input dialog) to input number week of year then this input number will be pass into Run Query
Hi guys, can you help me. i use (input dialog) to input number week of year then this input number will be pass into Run Query
I recommend to use String.Format as the following.
strSQL ="SELECT TOP 1 Date
FROM Dim_Date
Where WeekOfYear ='{0}'
AND Year =2022
hi, thanks for your reply but i want to dynamic input then pass into query
like this…
Can you try to replace the first assign with input dialog?
FYI, the following is a sample with validation for input text.
Sample20221122-2.zip (2.5 KB)
Hi @Yoichi i’m sorry i cant open your workflows because my uipath version is lower than the template, mate.
Can you screenshot the condition code?
It’s as the following.
not Int32.TryParse(MingguBerapa,New Int32) OrElse CInt(MingguBerapa)<0 OrElse CInt(MingguBerapa)>54
I following th code and still get the erorr like this…
Can you check the following downgraded sample?
Sample20221122-2v2.zip (2.4 KB)
And also can you check your query string as the following?
strSQL ="SELECT TOP 1 Date
FROM Dim_Date
Where WeekOfYear ='{0}'
AND Year =2022
strSQL =String.Format(strSQL,MingguBerapa)
Then check content of strSQL using WriteLine or MessageBox?
yeah i try it but the string WeekOfYear output is like this…
and i mean want to ouput like this… because the date want to continue the program using parse exact
Your 1st image seems no problem. (2nd image cannot be seen due to forum system trouble) Please set this variable to query property?
Or is there any issue to set this variable?
here the 2nd image (output that i want)
my project is i want input the WeekOfYear with the (input dialog box), then this number will dynamically fill in the (run query) when calling the date in SQL server table.
for example: in the dialog box I input WeekOfYear = 46. then the output will be 11/06/2022 00:00:00
Alright, we can get query string which contains week number from InputDialog. Is this no problem, isn’t it?
Or, do you need to calculate date from week number before sending the query?
can this output make to datatable and printout date format? (11/06/2022 00:00:00)
because the output is format date from datatable. and i will converti it using parse exact
or can i copy this result to Run Query sql syntax?
Do you need to convert from week number to start date of the week? If so, the following will help you. Please note that we need to determine which year to calculate.
Sequence2.xaml (6.8 KB)
This is work @Yoichi thank you mate. You the best.
Hi @Yoichi . how to make this code to parse exact?
i want to use the output to pick/select date dynamic
As the following expression returns DateTime type, we need to use ParseExact if your input is this.
We can create datetime string from this datetime variable.
varDateTime = dateJan1.AddDays(7*(weekNumber-1)-CInt(dateJan1.DayOfWeek))
Or do you paarse from any other string?