I noticed it’s possible to create variables of the type “System.Data.Datatable”.
I wanted to fill it up with datables and then iterate them, how can I do it?
I noticed it’s possible to create variables of the type “System.Data.Datatable”.
I wanted to fill it up with datables and then iterate them, how can I do it?
not array but you can createa list.Array is immutable …to create list of datatables you have to select list and then datatable …To Intialize use New List(Of Datatable)
If you want array only then use this
Can you provide the full name of this variable type?
You see a dropdown on top …Please select datatable there and then click ok
How about DataSet and DataTableCollection class?
We can iterate multiple DataTables as the following.
Sample20221221-2aL.zip (3.0 KB)
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