I have to create excel file dynamically. — ITS done
Enter the values to it from zeroth (0th) row. If it has values then get the count of it and start entering the rows from the count.
Suppose it has some 10rows then start entring from 11 row.
@lakshman step1: I am creating an excel file , step2: as soon as i create the excel file gets created, i enter the values.
Once i enter the values i am closing the workbook. So that i can do the read range.
in do scope after excel application scope , first call read range then get row count .
then use write range and enter dynamic read range in write range.
You are using the wrong read range activity here. There are are two read range activities.
Workbook → Read Range - Reads the excel without opening the file
Excel → Read Range - Has to be used within Excel Application Scope activity and reads the excel while it is open.
Please use the Read range activity which is listed under the excel activities if you are going to use it within the excel application scope… Then it should be fine. The visual difference you have in these two is, in excel read range, you do not have the file path like what you have in the screenshot. And for the workbook read range, it has a property to enter the file path