I want to identify the date found in particular row else Throw exception and another row if found only text in that row throw exception
This is always same row data only ,so this is static
row(0) - Found only string so i want throw exception
row(1) - Date found so skip it, If expect date whatever data found Throw exception
If row(0) found any number or alpha numeric skip it.
You can use the expression "\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}" in the “Is Text Matching” activity to check if a row’s value matches the pattern, which will return a boolean value of True or False.
1.Read Range activity
2.For each row in datatable activity
→ If actvity System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(CurrentRow(0).ToString, "^[a-zA-Z]+$")
Then Throw
Else Your process
→ If activity System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(CurrentRow(0).ToString, "\d+\-\d+\-\d+")
Then Your process
Else Throw