How to get value from Dictionary string string

Hello everybody.
I need to get a specif value from Dictionary string string

This is the dictionary

Dictionary<string, string>(11) { { “Set-Cookie”, “sap-usercontext=sap-client=999; path=/,MYSAPSSO2=AjQxMDMBABhSAFAAQQBfAEkAVABfAFMAUwBDACAAIAACAAYwADEAMAADABBRAFoAMwAgACAAIAAgACAABAAYMgAwADIAMgAwADkAMQAzADAAOQAxADMABQAEAAAACAYAAlgACQACRQD%2fAVYwggFSBgkqhkiG9w0BBwKgggFDMIIBPwIBATELMAkGBSsOAwIaBQAwCwYJKoZIhvcNAQcBMYIBHjCCARoCAQEwcDBkMQswCQYDVRRGEwJERTEcMBoGA1UEChMTU0FQIFRydXN0IENvbW11bml0eTETMBEGA1UECxMKU0FQIFdlYiBBUzEUMBIGA1UECxMLSTAwMjAyNTg5MTMxDDAKBgNVBAMTA1FaMwIICiAZBTAYCQEwCQYFKw4AAhoFAKBdMBgGCSqGSIb3DQEJAzELBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHAYJKoZIhvcNAQkFMQ8XDTIyMDkxMzA5MTMzNlowIwYJKoZIhvcNAQkEMRYEFN1E2EoYidNTnBG9hjsfbX0cCw0dMAkGByqGSM44BAMELjAsAhRRyfmnNKvoSeayeLZOHLMCxvgPVwIUMz4K2TUJGPXeRzmrBqtI8Ilh3kY%3d; path=/;; secure,SAP_SESSIONID_AAA_010=vnbZbID09FFaI57TvgDOVFiTYGgzRBLsoycAUFaSFLE%3d; path=/; secure” }, { “content-type”, “application/xml” }, { “content-length”, “673” }, { “x-csrf-token”, “EPWDW8_9e_ghWZQAxxDa2F==” }, { “last-modified”, “Tue, 16 Aug 2022 09:45:32 GMT” }, { “cache-control”, “max-age=0” }, { “dataserviceversion”, “2.0” }, { “sap-processing-info”, “ODataBEP=,crp=,st=,MedCacheHub=Table,codeployed=,softstate=” }, { “sap-server”, “true” }, { “sap-perf-fesrec”, “43553.000000” }, { “content-encoding”, “” } }

I need to extract from Set-Cookie the value of MYSAPSSO2

The final variable is

What can i do ? i don’t understand how to do because it’s string and not object

Hi @l.sambinelli,
To get the value, you just use the key with the dictionary variable.
To get the “aaname”, you can just use the key that is being looped.

For each key In dict.Keys
    name = key.Get("aaname").ToString
    value = dict(key)


How about the following sample?


System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(cookie,"(?<=path=/,\w+=)\w+").Value (3.0 KB)


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Hi @l.sambinelli ,

Firstly, You could access the value of Set-Cookie :

setCookieValue = yourDict("Set-Cookie").ToString

Next, you could perform String /Regex Operations to get the value required :

Expression :

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OK , so the only solution is REgex. Thanks
now i try!

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thanks it’s perfect!

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