How to get the visible sheets in excel?

Using a “Get workbook Sheets” Activity can get all sheet names, but I don’t want to get the hidden sheets.
Does anyone have a good solution to this problem? Thanks a lot.

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@asl_johnnyhe - can you please check below


Use Balarev activities to unhide the sheets. Please check below thread for the same.


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Thank you for you reply, but I just want to get the visible status of sheets.

Thanks, using "HideUnhide " atctivity just can change but cannot get the status of sheets.


Create one workbook variable for Excel application scope activity and get sheet names like this.

WB.getSheets(0) - first sheet
WB.getSheets(1) - second sheet


Here, WB is of type workbook variable. The above one will show all list of visible sheets.

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Thank you again , but if I didn’t know the sheet was hidden, how to foreach every visiable sheets.
I try it out if I “foreach” WB.getSheets(),there are hidden sheets.


after you get the sheet. it stores in an array, therefore you need to assign a variable string to get the sheet.

string abc = sheet(0)

then abc can get first sheet.