How to get the name for a maximum or minimum value from a table

Screenshot 2022-11-16 090034

I am trying to get the bank name with the lowest value from vs BNM (Buy) and put it into the To Buy, may I know how can I do this using UI path?

Welcome to UiPath Community.
Read the excel and store it in datatable
minVal = dtFiltered.AsEnumerable.Min(Function (x) CDbl(x(“vsBNM(Buy)”).toString.Trim))
maxVal= dtFiltered.AsEnumerable.Max(Function (y) CDbl(y(“vs BNM(Buy)”).toString.Trim))

Write max value or min value in the respective cell in excel.

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How about the following sample? (9.6 KB)


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May I know what type should I give my arrayDR?

May I know what’s the problem I encountered?

@hjie30 What is the datatype of minval?.Change it to double and try again


Can you try to set DataRow array?


Okay the data type change fixed the issue, but now I have another issue with the column “vs BNM (Buy)” May I know how to solve it? The vs BNM (Buy) is present in table sheet1, I even copy the column name but seem like doesn’t work


As the table starts from B4, it’s necessary to set the following In ReadRange?





Okay it works! thanks a lot Yoichi. I have another issue is that how do I exclude the Bank BNM for minimum and maximum calculation?

Thanks Sangeetha for the solution but I think I will stick to Yoichi’s solution

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Can you try the following expression?

dt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r)r("Bank").ToString<>"BNM").OrderBy(Function(r) Double.Parse(r("vs BNM (Buy)").ToString)).ToArray()


Thank you very much Yoichi, you solved all my issue. Have a nice day!

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