How to get the last row from datatable using uipath.
Any suggestions would be helpful.
How to get the last row from datatable using uipath.
Any suggestions would be helpful.
drLastVar = dtData.AsEnumerable.Last()
dtData is your datatable
drLastVar is of datatype: DataRow
I have checked in message box it is showing System.Data.Datarow
we would recommend using the debugging panel instead of the message box
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often a toString will return the datatype when there is not implemented any other toString Representation
Have a look here:
Type in statements where the yellow mark is and execute it with Enter,Enter
Hello @Mohammed_Nawazuddin
You can use the Find first/Last row activity to achieve this.
Else you can use the below expression: DT is the datatable
DT.Rows.Count.ToString. - for getting the row count
DT.Columns.Count.ToString. – for getting the column count
Thanks so much , I need to extract only one value from the last row as string "T221’. How can I extract it
Try lastRow = dt.rows.count (if you are added headers than the last row will be count - 1), then activity read cell with properties cell position = String.Format(T{0}, lastRow.ToString) and you should have value of last row.
I am getting the rows count but I am not getting the exact output. Please find the below error screenshot.
Hello, @Mohammed_Nawazuddin
Sorry it supposed to be String.Format(“T{0}”, lastRow.ToString)
No it should be alright :). I missed quotation marks before.
Hi @ppr
how do i implement this in UiPath studiox? sorry i am a newbie