Sorry, let me clarify.
Directory.getfiles(folder) gives you the array of filepaths. for example, you can do Directory.getfiles(folder)(0) and it will give you the first filepath in the array.
The best way to go through the array is with the ForEach. You first need to change the Type Argument in the properties to String.
ForEach f In Directory.getfiles(folder)
Assign file = f.ToString
f can be any word of your choosing to be used as the variable in the ForEach
So to get only the filename you can do it like this:
ForEach f In Directory.getfiles(folder)
Assign filename = Path.GetFilename(f.ToString).ToString
where file and filename are both String variables if you choose to store it first.
Remember to change the Type argument to String.
If you still having problems, you can post a snippet of your .xaml or screenshots and maybe I can spot the error.