I want to find files in folder and subfolder on drive . I am using the Gsuite Activity i.e, Get File List but it is not returning anything.
Hi @Nishant_Dhamale, welcome to the Community.
You can use the following resource to get to know more about the output result:
Hope this helps,
Best Regards.
Hi @arjunshenoy,
Welcome to community, You can used below step to read file from folder or sub-folder.
- Used Assign activity,
- Declare var and datatype will be string,
- In value write, Directory.GetFiles(“pass the file path”)
- used “for each” activity
- Take “if condition” inside and write your condition accordingly
Happy coding
But , i want to find files on drive Folders not in computer Folders.
I am not understanding properly ,have you any workflow for better understanding.
The following content explains this activity & the output details in 3 detailed videos, please refer to the same:
Best Regards.