How to get files in folder and subfolder on drive in uipath

I want to find files in folder and subfolder on drive . I am using the Gsuite Activity i.e, Get File List but it is not returning anything.

Hi @Nishant_Dhamale, welcome to the Community.

You can use the following resource to get to know more about the output result:

Hope this helps,
Best Regards.

Hi @arjunshenoy,
Welcome to community, You can used below step to read file from folder or sub-folder.

  1. Used Assign activity,
  2. Declare var and datatype will be string,
  3. In value write, Directory.GetFiles(“pass the file path”)
  4. used “for each” activity
  5. Take “if condition” inside and write your condition accordingly

Happy coding

But , i want to find files on drive Folders not in computer Folders.

I am not understanding properly ,have you any workflow for better understanding.


The following content explains this activity & the output details in 3 detailed videos, please refer to the same:

Best Regards.