How to get desired number of characters from excel to string. it should be dynamic.?

How to get only desired number of characters from excel to string. it should be dynamic.?

we can use substring method like htis
yourstringvariable.ToString.SubString(starting index of character, number of characters need)
where starting index sttarts from 0 for first character
for example
str_input = “abcdef”
str_input = str_input.ToString.SubString(0,3)
the output will be “abc”

Cheers @rahul_gola


Hi thank you for your help palaniyappan,

but i am getting an error. ss attached

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fine may i know what is the actual length of that string
to find that
kindly find that and mention the number of characters to retrieved

Cheers @rahul_gola

yes the length of the string is 26, but i want it to be dynamic
ex: in fist field it cannot be more then 128
in 2nd field it cannot be more then 20
but i want what so ever is there till 20 to be in the field.
and in 3rd it should not be more then 12.

i have tried the above but no luck

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can i have an example of input and how many characters you need from each column
Cheers @rahul_gola

i have attached an ss for you reference,
i want that text from excel to be filed into another column, there i have restriction in the first filed where the length limit is only 128,
in 2nd column i have a limit of 50 characters,
and in 3rd limit reduced to 12.


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ok got it
so the expression be like this in the type into activity

for first column

for second column

for third column

Cheers @rahul_gola


Thank you,

i am having an error ss attached.

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str_input.ToString.SubString(0,(if (str_input.Length<128,str_input.length,128)))

sorry buddy
that was a typo mistake

for second column

for third column

Cheers @rahul_gola

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is this working
kindly let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @rahul_gola

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Hi so sorry to reply late was busy in the further development. kinda urgent.

yes it is working great… thanks a lot for your help Palaniyappan :slight_smile:

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