How to get currect week of the year


How to get current week of the yearcurrent year.i want to update week in file with each changin year so update me acording to that.

help me on same.


To get the current week number of the year using UiPath, you can use the System.Globalization namespace. Here are some steps and expressions recommended:

  1. Using GetWeekOfYear Method with System.Globalization:
(new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US").Calendar).GetWeekOfYear(Now, System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule.FirstDay, System.DayOfWeek.Sunday)
  1. Using DateDiff Method:
num_Week(int32) = DateDiff(DateInterval.WeekOfYear, CDate("01-01-2023"), Now.Date)
  1. Using Day of the Year and Division:
num_Week(double) = Math.Ceiling(Now.DayOfYear / 7)

Make sure to use the correct namespaces and methods based on your UiPath version and the relevant .NET libraries

LLM helped me to write this but it’s validated by me.

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