Can anyone please help
Here in above screenshot i got datatable output.I need to read that row and if it contains no i need to get that particular column names which has value “no”.
will the data table contain only one row?
For one row you can try this
NoColArr =
dt_Data.Rows(0).ItemArray.Select(Function(x,i) Tuple.Create(x,i)).Where(Function(t) t.Item1.Equals("no")).Select(Function(nt) dt_Data.Columns(nt.item2).ColumnName).ToArray
NoColArr is Array of String
To display the output you can use the message box or log message with the following
String.Join(", ", NoColArr)
@vnsatyasunil hope it helps you.
Refer the xaml
GetColumnName.xaml (7.6 KB)
Everytime it will be one row
try this: @vnsatyasunil
Main-url.xaml (10.3 KB)
test.xlsx (8.4 KB)