How to find whether the string values contains alphabets


If we have string values, how to find whether it is containing alphabets or numbers.

Thanks and Regards,

If it is a character then you can use

Char.IsLetter(c) or Char.IsDigit(c)

if it is a word or sentence you can use regular expression.

It may contain single alphabet or word.

just a few options and samples:
with regex

Hi @Chippy_Kolot

Use the “Is Match” activity with the following regular expressions to check for alphabets and numbers:

  • To check if the string contains alphabets: Pattern: [a-zA-Z] Input: The string you want to check Result: The “Is Match” activity will return True if the string contains any alphabets.
  • To check if the string contains numbers: Pattern: [0-9] Input: The string you want to check Result: The “Is Match” activity will return True if the string contains any numbers.


I am not fond of using Regexes for such small checks, it feels overkillish.
I prefer using Any() to check if ANY of the characters is a letter/number.
To search numbers, change “Char.IsLetter()” to “Char.IsDigit()”.
Feel free to change myString’s value to test the code samples.

IsLetterCheck.xaml (6.9 KB)

IsLetterCheck.xaml (8.0 KB)