Please help me i tried all option available in uipath forum here my excel filedata1.xls (24.5 KB)
A couple ways to go about it, I’ll attach a workflow in a bit when i get some time.
First thing you do is read the excel file to a datatable.
Next, you want to convert the string (from excel) to a datetime for each row of your datatable.
After that is where you have 2 options:
Option 1: Do a for or while loop and add up the days by using the datetime.adddays method if datetime.dayofweek <> “Saturday” or “Sunday”
Option 2: Utilize excel’s built-in “Workday” function to calculate the number of workdays between the two dates.
Which option you choose depends on your workflow. If this is the final output, I would go as option 2. If you are simply using this as an input for another part of the process, then Option 1 is the way to go. I
will show you both workflows (i’ll edit this response with both XAMLs in a little bit)
EDIT: I’m just going to include option 1 here as I think it is the easiest/best to do in this situation. If you need help figuring out how option2 would work just let me know and i’ll be happy to provide that one later sachin_sharma.xaml (14.2 KB)
Hi buddy @sachin_sharma
that was a good question
and here you go with a xaml
hope it got resolved (15.8 KB)
Kindly revert for any clarification or corrections to be made
Cheers @sachin_sharma
did that work buddy @sachin_sharma
any issues @sachin_sharma
hey bro thanks for answer but it did’t work properly if you don’t know row number and also i want total number of days from date (taken from excel file) to current dates .but don’t worry Dave work flow works fine
thank you very much bro for your precise time to solve my problems
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