How to find the specific values from a dynamic string

  1. please set up p2p in axiom for the following:


  1. 1933 830022 105.90
    830022 - 1294 = 32.20

  2. please set up p2p in axiom for the following:




1933 - 1122 = 83.80 km
1122 - 9043 = 27.10 km
9043 - 1933 = 116.00 km

Above is the sample of string, I am getting in my flowchart. First set of digits is source then destination and next one is distance difference. I want the digits from the string. I used regex to get the digits but getting all digits in single line.
I want digits data in the same format as above.

Also, strings will not come in same format always as shown in above sample.

Please help . Any leads would be appreciated.


@Alamgir - You mean like this…??

Hi @prasath17 ,

Thanks for the quick response.
How will be output after this regex pattern ?

Also, “-” and “=” is not fixed. Sometime space will be there to separate.

Do you have some samples? That will help to build a solid pattern…

Above data are the 4 samples of string.

My bad…I didn’t pay attention to the one with spaces…Could you please check this??

If all looks good…I will show you how to write it next…

It seems like correct output. But, the flow will be in loop. Above 4 samples come at 4 different times.
Can we test it like that?

@Alamgir - Yes…it works…

  1. Matches activity → Pass your input string and Pattern…and Save the result…


  1. For Each Loop

Try like this…Hope this helps…

Okay, Thank you.

@prasath17 , the input we are passing first one contains the text in first line, for others may it wont. Can it works?

Please give it a try first…and then let us know what works and what not? we will take it from there…

Ok Sure.

Please share the xaml file if possible.

It’s just only two activities…so try based on the screenshot provided…was it not clear??

Hi @prasath17 .

I have tested it with this regex expression. Its working fine but no getting the value after decimal point. Am I missing something in expressions?

@Alamgir - you missed the + symbol at the end…it should be [\d\.]+

Please check the my initial screenshot provided in the regextester. Even thought in the workflow screenshot its not visible, it is showing clearly initially.

Ok @prasath17

My bad, Thank you!

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