How to find the specific file inside a folder in Gsuite having folder id


I have a folder ID extracted using find and folders activity. now i want to download the specific file inside that folder. how can do it using the same activity find and folders in gdrive?

exact file name is not known but it starts with some char ‘ZA07’ which is constant


You would have to use the Download File Activity
Activities - Download File

The input here would be the ID of the file you want to download.

To find the ID you will have to look into the Result from your Find Files and Folders activity :slight_smile:

Hi @vinutha1

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

hi @AJ_Ask i did the same steps given in the above link.
i am getting file not found 400 error. But the folder which i am trying to access is having files in it.

Hi @vinutha1

This will help. The modern activities approach simplify the process