That file should have extension like .pdf or .xlsx
Kindly mention that at the last of the file name
Cheers @vivekktr
Kindly check once with the file name in that folder path mentioned like is it available in that folder path or not
Cheers @vivekktr
yes it avaliable
Can you post the screenshot of assign activity @vivekktr?
and check if the file is open in the background
you are trying to read the PDF with stream reader right?
There may be some exceptions to read a pdf with stream reader…
Here is an useful thread : check this
You can get those directly using this activities :
[quote=“HareeshMR, post:8, topic:137697”]
[/quote] this activity package not in uipath package
It is depreciated, you can try the first link @vivekktr, that will help you with the example workflow
I am creating an activity request for this functionality. Please vote for it here: PDF Page Count Activity
I have had success with PDFSharp library. Install it via Manage Packages. Then in Imports, import the library. Then you can get pages count like this.