How to filter Excel spreadsheet by text


I am trying to filter a spreadsheet to remove any rows with ‘‘Monthly Checks’’, ‘‘Daily Checks’’, ‘‘Weekly Checks’’, ‘‘Ongoing BAU’’ & ‘‘Completed’’ in Columns C & D.

The problem is that when I use the excel filter activity in UiPath Studio there is only the option to indicate cells in the Excel doc or enter your own custom value which I have no idea how to do. Indicating specific cells isn’t an option as the spreadsheet changes regularly so the value of that cell will keep changing with it.

Please could someone advise me on how I can use this (or another) activity to filter this spreadsheet based on text?

^ What I am seeing in UiPath when I attempt to use the filter activity


go to advanced editor and just give the value you want to filter

If you want to consider whole sheet then you can just give Excel.Sheet("Shettname")


Hi @mpearson9526

Try with Filter Data Table activity



@Anil_G I am completely new to UiPath and automation. What exactly should I type in here?


This is where you need to type the strings values you want to filter on

For example if you need to filter on

CheersMonthly checks …sleect contains and type monthly checks


@Anil_G It doesn’t accept this as a valid Value

‘BC30198: ‘)’ expected.
BC30451: ‘Monthly’ is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level. Variable ‘Monthly’ is missing. Please use Data Manager to recreate it.’’


Please give that between double quotes


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